2013 (18-3-11) Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to American Public Schools, by Diane Ravitch
2013 (18-3-12) Ten Virtues of Outstanding Leaders: Leadership and Character, by Al Gini and Ronald M. Green
2013 (18-1-10) International Funding to Palestinian NGOs and its Impact on Social Capital and the West Bank
2013 (18-1-11) The Process of Fitting-In: Generational Differences in Self-Esteem among First, 1.5, and Second Generation Egyptians in the US
2013 (18-1-13) What’s the Matter with Islam, by Irshad Manji; Allah, Liberty & Love, by Irshad Manji; and Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here, by Karima Bennoune