Reviewer Questionnaire
The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal is a journal devoted to discussion of public sector innovation. Its material is peer-reviewed. The peer reviewed section of the Innovation Journal includes material typically written by academics, consultants and administrative practitioners from a wide range of perspectives and countries. Its readers are public servants at all levels of government and international agencies, academics, consultants, students and people interested in improvement of the public sector.
Both the quality of the contribution and its relevance to a wide audience are the main considerations in the decision to publish peer reviewed articles. Manuscripts based on highly specialized knowledge or highly technical methodology are therefore normally considered outside our terms of reference.
Discussion Papers are typically shorter and may introduce new ideas that cannot be supported as fully. The same standards apply.
Title of Manuscript: #
The following questions are provided for easy review. You are not limited to their use, however; additional comments on a covering letter are welcome.
1. Is the topic relevant and timely to the academic and practitioner communities interested in innovation?
2. Does the paper make a contribution to the theory and/or the practice of innovation?
3. Is the major thesis or argument clear? Is the analysis competent and consistent?
4. Does the paper show mastery of the subject, either through research or experience?
5. Are the conclusions sound and are they applicable to other situations?
6. Is the presentation of material adequate in terms of organization, style and documentation?
7. What, if anything, could be done to improve this paper that has not been indicated above?
8. Recommendations to the Editors
(Please indicate one choice)
A. ____ The paper is worthwhile, but it is not appropriate for The Innovation Journal.
A possible alternative journal might be _____________________________.
B. ____ Accept as is.
C. ____ Accept with minor editorial revisions.
D. ____ Return to author for rewrite (list specific revisions).
E. ____ Reject (please list additional reasons for rejection).
9. If you recommend acceptance, for which section of The Innovation Journal would this article be most suitable–scholarly-style articles, discussion papers, or case studies?
Peer-reviewed/Discussion Papers/Case Studies
Please return this form to:
Eleanor Glor,
Editor-in-Chief, The Innovation Journal
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