2015 (20-1-9) India’s Healthcare Industry Innovation in Delivery, Financing & Manufacturing, by Lawton R. Burns
2015 (20-1-1) Introduction: Special Issue on Innovations in Health Care System Reform in OECD Countries
2015 (20-1-10) To Live and Die in America: Class, Power, Health and Healthcare, by Robert Cheromas and Ian Hudson
2015 (20-1-2) Key competencies for promoting service innovation: any implications for the health sector?
2015 (20-1-3) L’appropriation des innovations managériales par les établissements de santé. À propos du rôle des agences régionales : L’exemple de l’utilisation des données de performance
2015 (20-1-5) Innovation through Public-Private Partnerships in the Greek Healthcare Sector: How is it achieved and what is the current situation in Greece?
2015 (20-1-7) New Directions in Saskatchewan Public Policy, Edited by David P. McGrane and Remaining Loyal: Social Democracy in Quebec and Saskatchewan, by David McGrane, University of Saskatchewan, Canada