Volume 20, Issue 3, 2015
Open Issue

Edited by Mario Rivera


1. Introduction to the Issue, by Mario Rivera, Senior Associate Editor, The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal.

Peer-Reviewed Papers:

2. Negotiating collaborative governance designs: a discursive approach, by Mie Plotnikof, Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

3. Implementing Strategic Communications Planning in a Large Federal Agency, by Mark Weber, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Thomas E. Backer, California State University Northridge, Kristann Orton, Gloria Barnes, Will Jenkins, Carol Crecy, all of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

4. Public Private Innovation in healthcare: ‘Not invented here’ vs. commercialization of welfare innovations, by Helle Aarøe Nissen, Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.

Case Studies:

5. Toward a National Innovation Strategy: A critique of Ghana’s Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, by Smith Oduro-Marfo, Legon Centre for International Affairs, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana.

Book Reviews:

6. Poison Spring: The Secret History of Pollution and the EPA, by E. G. Vallianatos (with McKay Jenkins), reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada.

7. How Nations Innovate, by Jingjing Huo, reviewed by Ronald Hikel, Canada

8. On Reflection: An Essay on Technology, Education, and the Status of Thought in the Twenty-first Century, by Ellen Rose, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada.

9. Disarming Conflict: Why Peace Cannot Be Won on the Battlefield, by Ernie Regehr, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada.

A Note to TIJ Readers: As you know, TIJ has been a free open access journal for its twenty years of its existence. It is an independent journal and does not have a sponsor such as a professional association. Many appeals for donations and sponsors have been made but without much success. I have therefore personally been paying most of the costs of TIJ. The Editorial Board has decided that we must now move to charging authors for publication. This is what the Canadian social science research council, SSHRC, is encouraging. With sadness and reluctance, we will therefore start charging authors as of January 1, 2016. The submission fee will be $100 and the publication fee $900 Canadian, to be paid through TIJ’s Paypal account. Papers already in process as of December 31, 2015 will not be charged.

Eleanor Glor

Publisher, The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal
La Revue de l’innovation : La Revue de l’innovation dans le secteur public.

Loss of a Fine Scholar and Former Member of TIJ Editorial Board:

Ken Kernaghan passed away September 14, 2015. He was a long-time member of TIJ Editorial Board. He published several times in TIJ and last did so in August 2015 in Volume 20(2) at: http://www.innovation.cc/volumes-issues/vol20-no2.htm
A tribute to his fine contribution to public administration can be found at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/capa.12154/full TIJ also published a recognition of his work in 2009 at: http://www.innovation.cc/volumes-issues/duggett_ken_kernaghan13.pdf
TIJ published a review of David Siegel and Ken Rasmussen, eds., Professionalism and Public Service: Essays in Honour of Ken Kernaghan at: http://www.innovation.cc/book-reviews/doughty_book_review_siegel_rasmussen12.pdf

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Call for Papers:
Call for papers for a special issue of The Innovation Journal on Innovations in Inspections and Oversight , Volume 21(1) 2016. Call for papers at: http://www.innovation.cc/call-for-papers.htm


2015 (20-3-1) Introduction: Collaborative Governance, Participation, and Leadership in National Innovation Systems,
2015 (20-3-2) Negotiating collaborative governance designs: a discursive approach,
2015 (20-3-3) Implementing Strategic Communications Planning in a Large Federal Agency, , , , , ,
2015 (20-3-4) Public Private Innovation in healthcare: Not invented here vs. commercialization of welfare innovations, , ,
2015 (20-3-5) Toward a National Innovation Strategy: A critique of Ghana’s Science, Technology and Innovation Policy,
2015 (20-3-6) Poison Spring: The Secret History of Pollution and the EPA, by E. G. Vallianatos (with McKay Jenkins),,
2015 (20-3-7) How Nations Innovate, by Jingjing Huo,
2015 (20-3-8) On Reflection: An Essay on Technology, Education, and the Status of Thought in the Twenty-first Century, by Ellen Rose,
2015 (20-3-9) Disarming Conflict: Why Peace Cannot Be Won on the Battlefield, by Ernie Regehr,

Published December 26 2015