Volume 12, Issue 2, 2007
Special Issue on Development and the Poor in Developing Countries: The New Role of Innovation

Edited by Parthasarathi Banerjee and Donald Klingner

Copy edited by Howard A. Doughty

1. Introduction by the Editors, (17/10/2007)

Scholarly-Style Articles:

2. The development elite and institutions of the local poor, Experiences from a development NGO in India, by Ram Kumar Kakani, & Biswatosh Saha, Professors, S.P. Jain Institute of Business Management, Singapore and Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India, respectively

3. Rethinking innovation and development, Insights from the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in India, by C. Shambu Prasad, Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, India

4. Implementation of Privatization Policy, Lessons from Bangladesh, by Md. Nurul Momen, Professor, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

5. Handmade Carpets, Potential for Socio-economic Growth, by Sandeep Srivastava and K.K. Goswami, Additional Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), New Delhi; and Director, Indian Institute of Carpet Technology, respectively, India

6. Applying Innovative Processes to Improve Governance and Public Administration and Reduce Poverty, by Eleanor D. Glor, The Innovation Journal, Canada

7. Indigenous System of Organizations and the Development of SMEs in India, by Pradip Kumar Biswas, Professor, College of Vocational Studies, Delhi University, India

8. Artisan Clusters- Some policy suggestions, by Dr. Tamal Sarkar, The MSME Foundation, New Delhi, India

Case Studies:

9. Alleppey Tourism Development Cooperative: The case of network advantage, by Babu P. George, Assistant Professor of Tourism, University of Southern Mississippi, USA

10. Challenging Trauma, by Manoj Joshi:Sahara Arts & Management Academy, Lucknow, India

Book Reviews:

11. Jeffrey Sachs, The End of Poverty, Economic Possibilities for Our Time, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada

12. Paul Collier, The Bottom Billion, Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada.

13. Gareth Steadman Jones, An End to Poverty? A Historical Debate, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada.

14. William Easterley, White Man’s Burden, Why the West’s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada.

15. Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine, The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada.

16. Nikolaos Karagiannis and Zagros Madjd-Sadjadi, Modern State Intervention in the Era of Globalisation, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada


Editors. The Innovation Journal is seeking volunteer Discussion Papers and La Revue de l’innovation editors.

Calls for Papers. The deadline for receipt of abstracts/proposals for the special issues on Innovation in Developing Countries and Poverty Alleviation through Innovation in Developing Countries is March 31, 2007. As well, The Innovation Journal is interested in publishing theme issues on Client Empowerment (deadline June 30, 2007), Complexity and Innovation, Innovations in Learning, Creativity, Rules Innovation, Technology and Innovation, Innovations in Leadership in Public Administration, Innovations in Arab Countries, Innovation in Local Government and Innovations in Ethics. As always, we are interested in articles in English et en français and papers on other topics for open issues. For more information, see the Call for Papers at: http://www.innovation.cc/call_for_papers.htm

Other Conferences. Call for Papers International Biennial Seminar COMPLEXITY-2008, Havana, January 15-18th, 2008. mailto:complejidad@filosofia.cuwww.complexity-cuba.org

Sponsorship Opportunites . Sponsorship opportunities are available for The Innovation Journal. Contact the Editor-in-Chief, Eleanor Glor, at eglor@magma.ca.

Indexing TIJ. Part of the process in the development of any journal’s visibility and legitimacy is inclusion in Thomson’s ISI index. Thomson only accepts about 20% of the journals that apply for inclusion each year. We could do with a little help to increase our odds of success. Thomson has a website where you can recommend journals for inclusion. The address of the site is: http://scientific.thomson.com/forms/isi/journalrec/

Would you mind taking a moment to visit this site and completing the short recommendation form there? To help you do that, the publisher is Eleanor Glor, and I think a unique feature is that TIJ focuses on innovation in the public sector and offers separate sections for practitioner and scholarly-style papers. If readers and contributors to TIJ complete this form, then our chances of TIJ being included increase. If TIJ is included in this index it should be taken up by more libraries around the world, therefore increasing its readership (or at least its visibility to its potential readership) substantially.

Many thanks for your assistance.

2007 (12-2-01) Introduction by the Editors: Special Issue on Development and the Poor in Developing Countries,
2007 (12-2-02) The development elite and institutions of the local poor, ,
2007 (12-2-03) Rethinking innovation and development,
2007 (12-2-04) Implementation of Privatization Policy,
2007 (12-2-05) Handmade Carpets, ,
2007 (12-2-06) Applying Innovative Processes to Improve Governance and Public Administration and Reduce Poverty,
2007 (12-2-07) Indigenous System of Organizations and the Development of SMEs in India,
2007 (12-2-08) Artisan Clusters – Some policy suggestions,
2007 (12-2-09) Alleppey Tourism Development Cooperative: The case of network advantage,
2007 (12-2-10) Challenging Trauma, ,
2007 (12-2-11) The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time, by Jeffrey Sachs,
2007 (12-2-12) The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It, by Paul Collier,
2007 (12-2-13) An End to Poverty? A Historical Debate, by Gareth Steadman Jones,
2007 (12-2-14) White Man’s Burden: Why the West’s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good, by William Easterley,
2007 (12-2-15) The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, by Naomi Klein,
2007 (12-2-16) Modern State Intervention in the Era of Globalisation, by Nikolaos Karagiannis and Zagros Madjd-Sadjadi,

Published October 20 2007