Volume 11, Issue 1, 2006
Open Issue

Peer-Reviewed Section:

1. Enhancing the Prospect for Deliberative Democracy: the Americaspeaks Model, by Maria J. D’Agostino, Richard W. Schwester, Marc Holzer, Graduate Department of Public Administration, Rutgers University, Campus at Newark, New Jersey, USA

2. Quality Management and Organizational Innovation in Canada, by James Iain Gow, Département de science politique, Université de Montréal, Canada

Discussion Papers:

3. A Framework for Understanding Technology and Technological Change, by Paul Crabtree, USA

Case Study:

4. Improved Organizational Performance through the Interdisciplinary Provision of Services: A Case Study of an Economic Evaluation of Pharmacist Dosing of Warfarin, by Tom Wesson, Glen E. Randall, David Barrows and Jimmy Fung, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, and DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada

Book Reviews:

5. Synchronizing Science and Technology with Human Behaviour, by Ralf Brand, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada

6. Building New Bridges / Bâtir de Nouveau Ponts, by Jeff Keshen and Sylvie Perrier, editors, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada

7. Hiding from Humanity: Disgust, Shame and the Law, by Martha C. Nussbaum, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada

8. Governing for Results: A Director’s Guide to Good Governance, by Mel D. Gill, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada


The Innovation Journal is looking for volunteer Discussion Papers and La Revue de l’innovationeditors.

Call for Papers. The Innovation Journal is interested in publishing special theme issues on Complexity and Innovation, Innovations in Learning, Poverty Alleviation through Innovation, Rules Innovation, Client Empowerment, Technology and Innovation, and Innovation in Local Government. As always, we are interested in articles in English and en français (in French) and papers on other topics for open issues. For more information, see the Call for Papers.

Call for Papers , Issue on Innovations in Learning. A new Call for Papers.

Sponsorship Opportunites . Sponsorship opportunities are available for The Innovation Journal. Contact the Editor-in-Chief.

The Innovation Journal will be continuing to publish special issues, prepared by guest editors. Please submit papers to the Editor-in-Chief.

2006 (11-1-1) Enhancing the Prospect for Deliberative Democracy: the Americaspeaks Model, , ,
2006 (11-1-2) Quality Management and Organizational Innovation in Canada,
2006 (11-1-3) A Framework for Understanding Technology and Technological Change,
2006 (11-1-4) Improved Organizational Performance through the Interdisciplinary Provision of Services: A Case Study of an Economic Evaluation of Pharmacist Dosing of Warfarin, , , ,
2006 (11-1-5) Synchronizing Science and Technology with Human Behaviour, by Ralf Brand,
2006 (11-1-6) Building New Bridges / Bâtir de Nouveau Ponts, by Jeff Keshen and Sylvie Perrier (editors),
2006 (11-1-7) Hiding from Humanity: Disgust, Shame and the Law, by Martha C. Nussbaum,
2006 (11-1-8) Governing for Results: A Director’s Guide to Good Governance, by Mel D. Gill,
2006 (11-1-x) Calls for Papers: Issue on Innovations in Learning. A new Call for Papers.,

Published June 15 2006