Annual Report 2011
La Revue de l’innovation : La Revue de l’innovation dans le secteur publique
Editors and Sections ——————————————————————–2
Editorial Board ————————————————————————–2
The Innovation Journal:
Issues published 2009, 2010 ————————————————————3
Publishing Plan ————————————————————————–3
La Revue de l’innovation —————————————————————-4
Publication Record ———————————————————————-4
Citation Record ————————————————————————-4
Indexers and Aggregators ————————————————————–4
Readership ——————————————————————————5
Website ———————————————————————————6
Should TIJ Develop a Presence in Other Social Media? ———————————–8
Appendix A: Members of the Editorial Board ——————————————–9
Appendix B: Readership Report ——————————————————–11
PEOPLE Case Studies Editors and Sections
The Publisher and Editor-in-Chief continues to be Eleanor Glor. She is deeply grateful to the editors, editorial board, staff and authors who have contributed to TIJ and LRI during the past two years.
Associate Editor, Mario Rivera. We are privileged to have Mario Rivera, Regents’ Professor of public administration at the University of New Mexico and a former colleague of Everett Rogers, as our Senior Associate Editor-in-Chief. For those who do not know, a regents’ professor is appointed by the regents of a university as a whole, and is a distinguished professorship. Mario brings great depth and breadth of knowledge of public administration and public sector innovation and considerable experience editing other journals to our team. He and James D. Ward as contributing editor produced a fine issue on Ethics, Volume 15(2), 2010.
Among many gifts, Mario brought the services of Erin Engelbrecht as Editorial Research Associate, for 18 months, and a unique journal email address, to us. Erin has recently completed her position, and Mario has arranged to replace her with Jacob Candelaria. Jacob is a Princeton graduate in Economics and a graduate student at the University of New Mexico. He worked for a couple of years as a program evaluator with the State of New Mexico Legislative Finance Committee and now serves as Policy Director for the New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty, a leading—if not legendary—advocacy group in the state with ties to the National Center on Law and Poverty.
Case Studies Editor, Juliana Trichilo Cina, who works in the publication industry, edited three fine case studies during 2009, involving Canada, Cuba, Germany and Africa.
La revue de l’innovation : La revue de l’innovation dans le secteur public editors Hachimi Sanni Yaya, Editor and Ian Roberge, Assistant Editor. La revue de l’innovation : La revue de l’innovation dans le secteur public est de plus en plus active en français. L’éditeur est Sanni Yaya de l’Université d’Ottawa et l’éditeur-adjoint est Ian Roberge, Directeur du département de science politique, Collège Glendon, Université York.
Book Essays and Book Reviews Editor, Howard Doughty. Howard Doughty, an experienced journal editor-in-chief, oversaw the publication of 9 book reviews during 2009 and 22 during 2010. Howard wrote 6 himself during 2009 and 22 during 2010. He is delighted that some contributions have been promised (and are now being provided) by some editorial board members and more would be welcome.
Discussion Papers Editor, Vacant. TIJ has not been able to recruit a Discussion Papers editor, and the section has languished as a result. Would a member of the Editorial Board be interested in taking on this role?
Editorial Board
We renewed the editorial board during 2010, and have added some interesting new capacity. Thank you to the board members who have moved on to other challenges, most of whom served with us for many years: Sandford Borins, Otto Brodtrick, Roli Varma, Luc Bernier, Mohamed Charih, Bill Eimicke, Pan Kim, Wendy Macdonald, and Paula Tiihonen. The new members include Steven Kelman of Harvard University, Muhiuddin Haider of Maryland University, Una Medina of the University of New Mexico, and Juan de Dios Pineda of the University of New Mexico, who brings knowledge of Latin America. Both Muhiuddin Haider and Una Medina worked with Everett Rogers, the dean of innovation studies.We are most grateful to the members of the editorial board remaining with us.
We have a very strong, knowledgeable and experienced board as a result.
The membership of the Editorial Board remains the second-most requested page in TIJ. For a list of the Editorial Board members, please see Appendix A.
Issues Published 2009 and 2010
Volume 14, 2009:
Issue 1 – Leadership
Issue 2 – Open issue
Issue 3 – Quality Management in the Public Sector
Volume 15, 2010:
Issue 1 – Open issue
Issue 2 – A Special Issue on Ethics, Mario Rivera, Editor and James D. Ward, Contributing Issue Editor
Issue 3 – A Special Issue on Innovation and Research, Denis Harrisson, Editor
Publishing Plan
We could benefit from some more special issues. Any ideas for topics? Any volunteers?
The current plan is as follows:
Vol 16(1), 2011 Policy Informatics
Erik Johnston and Yushim Kim, ASU Center for Policy Informatics, Editors
Vol 16(2), 2011 Open issue
Vol 16(3), 2011 Open issue
Vol 17(1), 2012 Possibitiy of a special issue that would cover three topics:
• Innovation management in the public sector
• Regional challenges in a global world: Industry, Public sector, Government and Higher education
• Regional examples of Triple Helix interaction
Vol 17(2), 2012 l’Innovation et les droits de propriété/ Innovation and Property RightsEdited by Hachimi Sanni Yaya?
Vol 18(1) 2013 Possibly an issue on Intersectoral Collaboration
Vol 18(2) 2013 Open
Vol. 19(3) 2013 Possibly public accountability mechanisms —including performance assessment, program evaluation, intergovernmental accountability (US, Canada, EU, other regions).
Vol 19 (1) 2014 Possibly an issue on Canadian healthcare system reform
Suggestions Received, Editors Needed:
Risk and Innovation
Policy innovation
Partnership between the State and the Third Sector or Social Economy Sector which represents innovations in the delivery of services and governance.
Ways to resolve the tension between hierarchical accountability and the new governance structures.
Eco-economics and entropy and their implications for public policy
Innovation and Complexity
La Revue de l’innovation : Rapport annuel intégré 2009-2010
En 2009, la revue publia un numéro spécial entièrement en français sur la gestion de la qualité dans le secteur public. Nassera Touati et Gérard Divay de l’École nationale d’administration publique (ENAP) coordonnèrent la publication de ce numéro. En plus au cours de l’année, La revue publia un article d’un chercheur luxembourgeois et publia une recension. En 2010, La revue publia trois articles, un dans chaque numéro, et une recension.
Les éditeurs continuent à travailler fort pour accroître la visibilité de La revue. Ils prennent note que le deuxième article le plus lu sur le site cette année est un article en français publié en 2003. Ils remarquent également que la France se classe au huitième rang avec 1764 visites en ce qui concerne la provenance des visiteurs sur le site web. Dr. Yaya et Dr. Roberge participèrent activement, d’ailleurs, au re-design du site web de La revue. Les éditeurs espèrent toujours que cette productivité accrue amènera plus de visibilité à La revue, favorisant ainsi de nouvelles soumissions et contributions.
Il nous faut, aussi, prendre note des nouveaux membres sur le Conseil de rédaction, dont Dr. Carole Lalonde, Université Laval, Maximilien N. Tereraho, Ressources humaines et développement des connaissances Canada, et Nassera Touati (ENAP). Ce service est apprécié. Au début de l’année 2012, La revue publiera un numéro sur l’Innovation et les droits de propriété/Innovation and Property Rights et poursuivra ses efforts afin d’accroître son impact ainsi que ses lecteurs.
Publication Record
The Innovation Journal continues to publish three times per year, on time. During 2009, we published twenty-one peer-reviewed articles (we have returned to this terminology), three case studies, one discussion paper, eighteen book reviews, and three introductions/ conclusions. During 2010, 18 peer-reviewed papers, three case studies, 23 book reviews two introductory essays, and no discussion papers were published.
Average review time to a decision or publication for 60 papers reviewed during 2010 was 6.5 months (one was withdrawn due to the long review time). There was a 42% acceptance rate and a 58% rejection rate.
Citation Record
Google Scholar shows TIJ being cited 366 times.
Indexers and Aggregators
TIJ is aggregated by:
1. The H.W. Wilson Company Full Text Database
3. Cabell’s Directory
4. CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (a ProQuest index)
5. Proquest
6. Scopus
7. Citeyoulike
Readership occurs four ways: (1) Reprints, (2) Purchases from aggregators, (3) Purchases directly from TIJ and LRI, (4) Readers who read in or download from the website.
(1) Reprints. Two articles have been reprinted in the IEEE Engineering Management Review.
(2) Purchases from aggregators. We do not receive reports on how many times articles from TIJ and LRI are downloaded from aggregators.
(3) Purchases directly from our journal. Another 800 copies of the book Is Innovation a Question of Will or Circumstance? by E.D. Glor were purchased during 2009.
(4) Readership directly on the website. Please find attached readership reports for The Innovation Journal for 2009-10 and 2010. Web addresses ending in .net and .com are commercial addresses. Most of these, and the “no entry” category, are search engines and aggregators. The remainder is individuals.
Concerning individual readers:
* Readership continues to be very high: During 2009 we were read from 150 countries, by 101,657 unique visitors; during 2010 by 101,388 visitors, from 153 counties, plus the readers with .net and .com email addresses. There are 192 embers in the UN, but they have not all been assigned Internet addresses.
* Readership has consistently grown since 2005, and showed another leap during 2010. TIJ had between 45,000 and 50,000 page views per month in 2005, growing to between 100,000 and 135,000 per month during 2010.
* Each reader accessed TIJ a mean of 3.6 times during 2009 and 2010. This is good news, as it indicates our readers return and they consider our issues (or perhaps our new issues) worth checking out.
* The most read files during 2010 were the following, in order:
o Management Tools For Creating Government Responsiveness: The Liquor Control Board of Ontario as a Context for Creating Change, by Rosemary McInerney and David Barrows, Volume 7(3), 2002.
o Vers une nouvelle relation : stratégie/système d’information, by Mohamed Jaouad El Qasmi et Abdelaziz Kriouile, Volume 8(4), 2003.
o Classic Theories – Contemporary Applications: A comparative study of the implementation of innovation in Canadian and Chinese Public Sector environments, by Michael Miles, Arun Thangaraj, Wang Dawei, and Ma Huiqin, Volume 7, No. 3, 2002.
o Does Full Accrual Accounting Enhance Accountability? by Thomas H. Beechy, Volume 12(3), 2007.
o Testing a Diffusion of Innovations in Education Model (DIEM), by Mark K. Warford, Volume 10(3), 2005.
* We were accessed most often from the following countries, in order, from the top and declining: two commercial addresses (could be largely search engines), Canada, American educational institutions, United Kingdom, Australia, France, South Africa, and the Netherlands, followed by the US, Germany, Singapore, the USA Government, Morocco, non-profit organizations, the US Military, New Zealand, India and Belgium.
* Home Pages. We have a separate counter on each of the home pages. TIJ and LRI home pages were visited as follows.
* TIJ Home Page: From March 7, 2010 to January 9, 2011: 10, 314 times
* La Revue Home Page: From 1 Jan 2004 to January 9, 2011: 12,631 times
The most common entrance pages were the index, followed by specific articles with high readership. For more information, please see Appendix B.
We redesigned and republished the website during 2009. Thank you to Mario Rivera, Ian Roberge and Sanni Yaya for input. This may have caused some (hopefully short term) problems with indexers and aggregators. Christian Sauve did the redesign and Ronald Shearer is the webmaster.
Should TIJ Develop a Presence in Other Social Media?
While TIJ and LRI have a presence on the Internet and through email, new social media have emerged since we were established in 1995. Many journals now have a presence in Facebook but we do not. The editor-in-chief does not have the capacity to develop this. Would anyone else be willing to take on this task?
Eleanor Glor
January 19, 2011
Appendix A: Members of the Editorial Board
- Parthasarathi Banerjee (E), Senior Scientist, National Institute of Science, Technology & Development Studies (NISTADS), New Delhi, India
- Colonel Joseph R. Cerami (E), Senior Lecturer, Texas A&M University, USA
- Jeanne-Marie Col (E), Professor of Public Administration and Emergency Management, Department of Public Management, John Jay College, City University of New York, USA
- Howard A. Doughty (E), Book Reviews Editor, Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology, Canada
- Monica Dowling (E), Professor Faculty of Health & Social Care, in, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
- Michael Duggett (E), Professor of the Public Policy, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
- Eleanor Glor (F), E), Editor in Chief and Publisher of The Innovation Journal
- Iain Gow (F), E), Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Science, University of Montréal, Canada.
- Ian Greene (E), University Professor of Public Policy and Administration, York University, Toronto, Canada,
- Muhiuddin Haider (E), Research Associate Professor in Global Health, School of Public Health, University of Maryland, USA.
- Arie Halachmi (E), Professor, Tennessee State University, USA
- Jerry Hammersmith (E), teacher, management consultant, politician and deputy minister.
- M. Shamsul Haque (E), Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore
- Denis Harrisson (F), (E), professeur au département de relations industrielles de l’Université du Québec à Hull et directeur adjoint de CRISES
- Ruth Hubbard (E), President, Ruth Hubbard Consulting
- Steven Kelman (E), Albert J. Watherhead III and Richard W. Wetherhead Professor of Public Management, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA.
- Ken Kernaghan (E), Former Editor, International Review of Administrative Sciences and Canadian Public Administration, Professor, Brock University, Canada, Canada
- Donald Klingner (E), School of Public Affairs, University of Colorado and President of the American Society for Public Administration, USA
- Carole Lalonde (F), (E), Professor, Faculty of Business, Laval University, Canada
- Elke Löffler (F), (E), Chief Executive, Governance International, UK
- Cynthia E. Lynch (E), Assistant Professor in the Master of Public Administration Program, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Texas Pan American, USA
- H. Ian Macdonald (E) O.C., B.COM., M.A., B.PHIL., LL.D., D UNIV.,D.LITT., D.LITT., K.L.J., F.COL President Emeritus and Professor of Public Policy and Economics, York University, Canada
- Una Medina (E), Department of Communication and Journalism, University of New Mexico, USA
- Michael Miles (E), Faculty Member, University of Ottawa, teaching Organization Development and Change, Strategy, and System Thinking, Canada
- Ken Nichols (E), Professor of Public Administration and Cooperating Professor of Policy and International Affairs, University of Maine, USA.
- Glenda Nogami (E), Dean of Academics at the U.S. Army Management Staff College (AMSC) until retiring, USA
- Donald R. Officer (E), has been a writer, planner, communicator, management consultant and educator for over three decades, Canada
- Salvador Parrado-Díez (E), (Spanish) Distance Learning University, Madrid, Spain
- Juan de Dios Pineda (E), Director, Special Office for Latin American Initiatives, University of New Mexico, New Mexico, USA
- Dale H. Poel (E), Ph.D., Public Administration/Political Science, Social Program Evaluation & Senior Associate with Goss Gilroy Inc., Canada
- Michael W. Popejoy (E), Michael W. Popejoy, M.B.A.. PhD., M.P.H., M.S., Fellow, Royal Society of Public Health (UK), Adjunct Professor, Central Michigan University and Florida International University, and former professor of business and public administration.
- Ken Rasmussen (E), Associate Professor, University of Regina, Canada
- J.R. Reagan (E) Professional Faculty, The Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School, Washington, DC, USA
- Mario Rivera (E), Regents’ Professor of Public Administration, University of New Mexico and Senior Associate Editor, The Innovations Journal.
- Ian Roberge (F), Éditeur adjoint, Collège Glendon, Université, York, Canada
- Jack Smith (E), Adjunct Professor, University of Ottawa, foresight expert, Canada
- Maximilien N. Tereraho (F), (E), Director, Feedback and Knowledge Management, Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC), Canada
- Nassera Touati (F). E), assistant professor at École nationale d’administration publique Quebec, Canada
- Barbara Wake Carroll, (E), former Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Public Administration; Professor Emerita, Political Science, McMaster University, Canada.
- Sanni Yaya (F) (E), Éditeur, La Revue de l’innovation, Professeur agrégé d’économie et de santé internationale, Université d’Ottawa, Canada
(F)= French
(E) = English
Appendix B The Innovation Journal Readership Report
January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010
(Source:, Urchin v5.7.03)
Essential Information
393,606 visits/sessions
1,398,569 page views (HTML)
1,673,292 hits (HTML+PDF+images+CSS)
101,388 unique IPs ("unique visitors")
Visits-to-Visitors average: 3.88
Length of visits/sessions
0-10 sec 325824
11-30 sec 21606
31-60 sec 9866
1-3 min 10519
3-10 min 10397
10-30 min 9754
30+ min 5640
Most requested HTML pages
1. /index.html 48931
2. /editorial-board.htm 11939
3. /discussion-papers.htm 9760
4. /whats-new.htm 6259
5. /scholarly-style-articles.htm 5234
6. /case-studies.htm 5217
7. /discussion-papers/definition.htm 5079
8. /all-issues.htm 4830
9. /about-us/guidelines-discussion-papers.htm 4769
10. /search.htm 4390
Most downloaded PDF files
1. /case-studies/barrows-ed.pdf 112789
2. /francais/el-qasmi-kriouile.pdf 51880
3. /scholarly-style/beechy4final1draft.pdf 28667
4. /scholarly-style/classic-theories.pdf 28647
5. /volumes-issues/warford_test_diffusion_6af.pdf 25578
6. /scholarly-style/bradshaw5final.pdf 23881
7. /scholarly-style/lekorwe10final1draft.pdf 20679
8. /scholarly-style/lynchs-education.pdf 19693
9. /volumes-issues/goh_innov_driven_econo2a.pdf 16312
10. /volumes-issues/hess_adams_innovate_public_ma 15035
Search Queries leading to
1. innovation journal 1340
2. employee empowerment 1059
3. organizational strategy 671
4. web based education 481
5. innovation definition 471
6. innovation leadership 439
7. innovation 435
8. leadership and innovation 428
9. the innovation journal 410
10. wicked problems 369
Visits by DNS/countries
1. (no entry) 293182
2. net (Network) 29698
3. com (Commercial) 29244
4. ca (Canada) 6613
5. edu (Educational) 6234
6. uk (United Kingdom) 4131
7. au (Australia) 2700
8. fr (France) 1764
9. za (South Africa) 1486
10. nl (Netherlands) 1145
(Total DNS/Countries count: 149, see next page)
Entrance pages (by visits/sessions)
1./index.html 37165
2. /case-studies/barrows-ed.pdf 14188
3. /francais/el-qasmi-kriouile.pdf 7849
4. /scholarly-style/omachonu_healthcare_3innovate2.pdf 5998
5. /discussion-papers/selman.pdf 5246
6. /scholarly-style/doughty-emp.pdf 4969
7. /scholarly-style/fairholm3.pdf 4610
8. /volumes-issues/veenswijk_surve+innovation=parad… 4345
9. /discussion-papers/definition.htm 4160
10. /scholarly-style/beechy4final1draft.pdf 4052
URLs of visitors sources/referrals
1. 37736
2. 16439
3. 8737
4. 8620
5. 8350
6. 6157
7. 4061
8. 3870
9. 3673
10. 3555
Visits/Sessions by Reader’s Address DNS/Country Code
1. (no entry) 293,182
2. net (Network) 29,698
3. com (Commercial) 29,244
4. ca (Canada) 6,613
5. edu (Educational) 6,234
6. uk (United Kingdom) 4,131
7. au (Australia) 2,700
8. fr (France) 1,764
9. za (South Africa) 1,486
10. nl (Netherlands) 1,145
11. us (United States) 1,094
12. de (Germany) 1,042
13. sg (Singapore) 949
14. gov (USA Government) 906
15. ma (Morocco) 811
16. org (Non-Profit Orgs) 731
17. mil (USA Military) 601
18. nz (New Zealand) 505
19. in (India) 497
20. be (Belgium) 477
21. it (Italy) 456
22. my (Malaysia) 437
23. ch (Switzerland) 423
24. hk (Hong Kong) 421
25. se (Sweden) 393
26. gr (Greece) 374
27. tr (Turkey) 356
28. jp (Japan) 330
29. th (Thailand) 326
30. tw (Taiwan) 305
31. fi (Finland) 301
32. il (Israel) 290
33. es (Spain) 290
34. pt (Portugal) 287
35. pl (Poland) 268
36. dk (Denmark) 262
37. at (Austria) 257
38. id (Indonesia) 234
39. no (Norway) 229
40. br (Brazil) 219
41. ru (Russian Federation) 198
42. ie (Ireland) 176
43. kr (South Korea) 164
44. ua (Ukraine) 133
45. sa (Saudi Arabia) 122
46. mx (Mexico) 119
47. hu (Hungary) 113
48. lt (Lithuania) 107
49. ro (Romania) 100
50. ee (Estonia) 98
51. lk (Sri Lanka) 95
52. bw (Botswana) 92
53. cz (Czech Republic) 81
54. mu (Mauritius) 74
55. zw (Zimbabwe) 72
56. sk (Slovak Republic) 65
57. tz (Tanzania) 61
58. ph (Philippines) 60
59. tt (Trinidad and Tobago) 58
60. pk (Pakistan) 54
61. bj (Benin) 53
62. si (Slovenia) 52
63. lu (Luxembourg) 50
64. cy (Cyprus) 50
65. ke (Kenya) 48
66. na (Namibia) 48
67. fj (Fiji) 42
68. cn (China) 42
69. om (Oman) 38
70. lb (Lebanon) 37
71. ar (Argentina) 36
72. lv (Latvia) 36
73. co (Colombia) 35
74. cl (Chile) 34
75. hr (Croatia) 33
76. pe (Peru) 33
77. int (International) 32
78. np (Nepal) 31
79. mt (Malta) 29
80. is (Iceland) 29
81. bh (Bahrain) 25
82. ug (Uganda) 25
83. yu (Yugoslavia) 24
84. sy (Syria) 22
85. ae (United Arab Emirates) 21
86. eg (Egypt) 21
87. sc (Seychelles) 17
88. bt (Bhutan) 17
89. sz (Swaziland) 16
90. cr (Costa Rica) 16
91. cd (Congo) 16
92. pg (Papua New Guinea) 15
93. mz (Mozambique) 15
94. bn (Brunei Darussalam) 14
95. bg (Bulgaria) 14
96. jo (Jordan) 13
97. by (Belarus) 13
98. dm (Dominica) 12
99. do (Dominican Republic) 12
100. gt (Guatemala) 11
101. py (Paraguay) 10
102. gh (Ghana) 10
103. ba (Bosnia-Herzegovina) 9
104. cu (Cuba) 8
105. biz (Business) 8
106. kw (Kuwait) 7
107. vn (Vietnam) 7
108. md (Moldavia) 7
109. bf (Burkina Faso) 6
110. uy (Uruguay) 6
111. tv (Tuvalu) 5 5
113. bm (Bermuda) 5
114. kh (Cambodia, Kingdom of) 4
115. ws (Samoa) 4
116. as (American Samoa) 4
117. ve (Venezuela) 4
118. ng (Nigeria) 4
119. dz (Algeria) 4
120. nu (Niue) 3
121. uz (Uzbekistan) 3
122. nc (New Caledonia (French)) 3
123. ga (Gabon) 3
124. kg (Kyrgyzstan) 2
125. ni (Nicaragua) 2
126. ec (Ecuador) 2
127. ge (Georgia) 2
128. zm (Zambia) 2
129. st (Sao Tome) 2
130. re (Reunion (French)) 2
131. mc (Monaco) 2
132. jm (Jamaica) 2
133. vi (Virgin Islands (USA)) 2
134. ci (Ivory Coast) 1
135. ky (Cayman Islands) 1
136. to (Tonga) 1
137. rw (Rwanda) 1
138. mk (Macedonia) 1
139. pf (Polynesia (French)) 1
140. et (Ethiopia) 1
141. ad (Andorra, Principality of) 1
142. aw (Aruba) 1
143. am (Armenia) 1
144. sh (Saint Helena) 1
145. gp (Guadeloupe (French)) 1
146. kz (Kazakhstan) 1
147. sv (El Salvador) 1
148. mn (Mongolia) 1
149. ne (Niger) 1
150. ms (Montserrat) 1
151. ir (Iran) 1
152. li (Liechtenstein) 1
153. cc (Cocos (Keeling) Islands) 1
PDF version of report Created August 24 2011