Volume 17 numéro 3, 2012
Édition libre

Articles évalués par un comité de lecture:

1. Qui sont les auteurs de la performance collective locale?, Pour une mise en perspective de la performance publique, par Gérard Divay, École nationale d’administration publique (ENAP), Québec, Canada

2. Criteria for Developing Mediated Urban Nervous Systems, A Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective, by Mary Ann Allison, Hofstra University, New York, USA

3. Computer-mediated communication in ALICE RAP, A methodology to enhance the quality of large-scale transdisciplinary research, by Maurice B. Mittelmark, Michaela Bitarello Do Amaral-Sabadini, Peter Anderson, Antoni Gual, Fleur Braddick, Silvia Matrai, Tamyko Ysa

4. Lending Dynamism to Innovative Capacity in the Periphery of Europe, by Sotiris Zygiaris, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece

Documents de discussion:

5. Twinning as an Innovative Practice in Public Administration, An example from the Netherlands, by Dr. Philip Marcel Karré and Prof. dr. Mark van Twist, Netherlands School for Public Administration, The Hague, The Netherlands

6. Computer Utilization, Social Capital and Basic Social Service Accessibility in Central America, by Jolynne Bachelor, Kristin Whitehill Bolton, Paul-Jesús Fericelli, Laura Frank Terry, Pamela Hancock, Silviya Nikolva, Vijayan Pillai, and Erica Ruiz

7. De l’objet aux valeurs communes, quel principe pour la coordination des acteurs dans les PPP agissant dans le domaine de l’aide à la santé ? par Mamadou I Barry, Université Lille 1, Sciences et Technologie, France

Étude de cas:

8. The Whitehall Innovation Hub ,An emphasis on Capabilities and Connectivity, by Su Maddock, University of the West of England and Manchester Business School,
University of Manchester

Recensions (English Book Reviews):

9. On a Farther Shore, The Life and Legacy of Rachel Carson, by William Souder, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada

10. Thinking Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman, reviewed by Iain Gow, Université de Montréal, Canada

11. Measuring the Mosaic, An Intellectual Biography of John Porter, by Rick Helms-Hayes, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada.

12. Native America, Discovered and Conquered, Thomas Jefferson, Lewis & Clark, and Manifest Destiny, by Robert J. Miller, reviewed by Jerry Hammersmith, Canada

13. The International Human Rights Movement, A History, by Aryeh Neier, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada

14. The World Health Organization between North and South, by Nitsan Chorev, reviewed by Howard A. Doughty, Seneca College, Canada

15. Wicked Environmental Problems, Managing Uncertainty and Conflict, by Balint, Stewart, Desai, and Walters, reviewed by Michael Popejoy

16. A Life of Learning and Other Pleasures, John Meisel’s Tale, by John Meisel, reviewed by James Iain Gow, Université de Montréal, Canada.
