

La qualité de l’innovation


actuellement étudiante en DESS qualité je recherche des références de livres ou des
articles sur la qualité de l’innovation pour mon sujet de stage.
Merci d’avance de votre aide

Adresser vos réponses à

Résolutions de problèmes

Je voudrais savoir si vous avez fait études des résolutions de
problèmes techniques à travers de méthodes innovants comme TRIZ et CBR (Case-based
Reasoner). Si oui, est-ce que vous pouvez me dire où pourrai-je les trouver?


Edgardo Cordova Lopez

Pas personnellement, mais je peux publier votre question.

Eleanor Glor, redacteur, La revue de l’innovation

La conduite du changement

Madame, Monsieur,

Mes études en DEA « Stratégie et management » à Paris X impliquent de
réaliser un mémoire de recherches. j’ai choisi le thème du changement.

A en juger la qualité de vos papiers (je pense notamment à celui afférant aux
théories sur le chaos), vos conseils, recommandations et indications pourraient m’être
d’une grande richesse.

Je vous remercie bien sincèrement.


Response to Tom Clarke – re articles in french
dealing with of technology transfer

(1) In 1991, Jean Marc LeDuc ( convened the Grande Colloque de
Perspective in Lyon, France – the finale of an 18-month economic development project
essentially focused on technology transfer. Although it may seem dated, the proceedings
were produced in french and were quite progressive, including my article « Creating a
Global Management System. » If you have interest, I would be happy to share. Jean Marc
and his colleague Bernard Reverdy (
are my lead contacts in the field and I am sure they have many new articles of interest,
including new journals on the topic.

(2) The new monograph just released by the Society of Management Accountants of Canada
– COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION and the KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY has been produced in both English
(1-894-091-40-X) and French (ISBN: 1-890-491-42-6) and is available through e-mail ( Although it does not
target technology transfer specifically, it does address the inherent concepts –
productivity paradox, economics of intangible value, innovation value system, community of
innovation practice, etc.

(3) « The Momentum of Knowledge Management » intended to evolve the concepts of
technology transfer to knowledge strategy is available in French on my website ( )

There is a week of activities planned in France 9/28-10/4. We may have more resources
to suggest thereafter.



Articles in French on the subject of technology transfer can be found on the Federal
Partners in Technology Transfer (FPTT) website at < > – click on to the
french site. There are several documents available in both languages, e.g. proceedings of
workshops, annual report, Guiding Principles on the Management of Intellectual Property
Issues, etc.

Jocelyne Caloz Director, Executive Office
Federal Partners in Technology Transfer


You’d do well to contact the MoT group at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal. Louis A. and
Elisabeth Lefebvre and their team have done some outstanding recent work in this area and,
moreover, are, IMHO, among the most knowledgeable Francophone academics in the world when
it comes to TT, especially transfer to SMEs.

Another group that can point you in the right direction is the faculty at Groupe
ESC-Grenoble (France); contact there would be Dominique Jolly (professor and director of
research, editor of their working paper series) or Francois Therin (same address).

Louis-Andre Lefebvre
CIRANO & Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
2020, University st., 25th Floor
Montreal, Quebec, CANADA H3A 2A5
Voice: (514) 985-4008 (CIRANO) Voice: (514) 340-5862 (Polytechnique)
Fax (514) 985-4039 e-mail:

Dominique Jolly
Groupe ESC-Grenoble
12, rue Pierre Semard
38003 Grenoble
+33 (0)4 76 70 61 27

from Robert M. Mason <>