2013 (18-1-14) Dancing at the Edge: Competence, Culture and Organization in the 21st Century, by Maureen O’Hara and Graham Leicester
2014 (19-2-12) Lifelong Learning in Europe: National Patterns & Challenges, by Ellu Saar, Odd Bjorn Ure & John Hofford, eds.
2004 (09-1-10) The Collaborative Work Systems Fieldbook: Strategies for Building Successful Teams, by M. M. Beyerlein, G. Klein, and L. Broedling (eds)
2004 (09-1-09) Agents of Change: Crossing the Post-Industrial Divide, by C. Heckscher, M. Maccoby, R. Ramirez, and P.E. Tixier
2004 (09-2-09) The Government Taketh Away: The Politics of Pain in Canada and the United States, edited by Leslie A. Pal and R. Kent Weaver.