2010 (15-1-14) Elusive Equality: Gender, Citizenship, and the Limits of Democracy in Czechoslovakia, 1918-1950, by Melissa Feinberg
2010 (15-1-15) The Price of Exclusion: Race, Nationalism and the Decline of German Liberalism: 1898-1933, by Eric Kurlander
2010 (15-1-16) Innovation in Public Services: Entrepreneurship. Creativity and Management, by Paul Windrum and Per Koch, eds.
2009 (14-1-09) Transcending New Public Management: The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms, by Tom Christensen and Per Lægreid, eds.
2009 (14-2-06) Governing by Network: The new Shape of the Public Sector, by Stephen Goldsmith and William D. Eggers
2009 (14-2-07) The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science, by Norman Doidge