Volume 26, Issue 2, 2021
Special Issue: Systematic Literature Review of Public Policy Innovation Antecedents
Edited by Regina Lenart-Gansiniec
1. Introduction, by Regina Lenart-Gansiniec, Institute of Public Affairs, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
Peer-Reviewed Papers:
2. Can the PRISMA Protocol be Used to Guide a Systematic Literature Review of Antecedents of Policy Innovation Trailblazing and Adoption? – I, by Eleanor D. Glor, Fellow, McLaughlin College, York University, Toronto, Canada.
3. Analysis of Antecedents of Trailblazing and Adoption of Public Policy Innovation Identified by a Systematic Literature Review– II, Glossary, by Eleanor D. Glor, Fellow, McLaughlin College, York University, Toronto, Canada.
4. A Nomenclature and Classification System for Antecedents of Public Policy Innovation Trailblazing and Adoption Derived from a Systematic Literature Review – III, by Eleanor D. Glor, Fellow, McLaughlin College, York University, Toronto, Canada.
5. Comparisons of Antecedents of Trailblazing/Adoption and Quantitative/Qualitative Studies of Public Policy Innovation Identified in a Systematic Literature Review – IV, by Eleanor D. Glor, Fellow, McLaughlin College, York University, Toronto, Canada.
6. A Comparison of Antecedents of Different Types of Innovation – V, by Eleanor D. Glor, Fellow, McLaughlin College, York University, Toronto, Canada.
7. Conclusion: Important Antecedents of Public Sector Innovation – VI, by Eleanor D. Glor, Fellow, McLaughlin College, York University, Toronto, Canada.
Book Reviews:
8. Measuring Innovation Everywhere: The Challenge of Better Policy, Learning, Evaluation and Monitoring, by Fred Gault, reviewed by Eleanor D. Glor, Fellow, McLaughlin College, York University, Toronto, Canada.
Published September 2 2021